Year: 2018
Site: Barcelona, Spain


> info
WEA.BOT is a modular kinetic facade system designed to visualise any two types of data, simultaneously, by the movement of physical points on a surface using actuators, and by changing visual patterns of coloured lights, using LEDs. A breathing skin, the tensile surface represents average temperatures over a year from 12 different cities. Light patterns illustrate rainfall percentage estimates over the same period.
Physical prototype
WEA.BOT is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2018 by:
Team: Yara Tayoun , Ivan Marchuk, Anton Koshelev, Sri Sai Tarun, Abhay Devidas, Yimeng Wei, Ashwin Varma Dandu
Advisers: Angel Munoz, Cristian Rizutti
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Parametric design consulting
In-Generic is an international team of experienced architects and computational designers.
Our mission is to promote and integrate a parametric design approach in the fields of architecture, urban planning and product design.
Saving our customers time and money is a priority for us.
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